Promo Agency Logo   brand ambassadors brand communicators costume work exhibition staff face painter promotional staff field marketing
  leafleting marketing models demonstrators mystery shoppers presenters promo staff
  team leaders field marketing staff sampling staff samplers roadshow staff promostaff promotions
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PROMOSTAR: Events, distribution and promotional staffing

Hello! Looking for a promotional staffing agency?

This site can be useful to you if you're a potential client looking for agency quotes or if you're a member of promotions staff looking for new agencies to register with (or you're looking to find your agency's contact details, fast).

For Clients

Please take a look at the individual agencies by choosing a letter above. You'll be given a list of promotional agencies which can provide you with leafleters, samplers, demonstration staff, costume characters, models and many more event services. Our promotions database is kept up to date and the profile pages for each agency contains their contact details, description of the company, and even a location map of their head office.

For Promotional Staff

I know that promotional staff will find this site extremely useful. I've been working in promotions and events for years and often you just need to find a number. Maybe you're chasing up wages for last months work. Or maybe you're working on an event with someone who has recommended an agency and you want to give them a call to find out how to register. Most of all to book yourself solid, or simply find regular work in promotions, you need to register with all the best agencies - that's why we're here. Click on the letters above, choose an agency and visit their website or give them a call. [Don't forget to tell your friends about!]

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For Promotional Agencies

Is your agency not listed on our database? Fill in this form here. Also contact us using the link at the bottom of the page if any details listed need updating.